Microgreen Cilantro

How to Grow Microgreen Cilantro: Easy Pissy Guide for You

Microgreens are young and tender vegetable greens that get picked shortly after the first leaves, known as cotyledons, emerge during germination. Usually, they are harvested when the plants reach a height of 1 to 3 inches. Microgreens are smaller than baby greens but larger than sprouts and are prized for their strong flavors, vivid colors, and concentrated nutritional value. Microgreen cilantro is not just for its culinary purpose but also for their potential health benefits, as they are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Growing microgreens at home is relatively easy, making them a popular choice for home gardeners.

Overview of Microgreen Cilantro:

Cilantro, or coriander in certain regions, is a fragrant herb with green, finely divided leaves, belonging to the Apiaceae family. Widely used globally, both its leaves and seeds are edible with distinct flavors. The leaves of cilantro are commonly used in soups, and in adding a distinct flavor in dals and curries specially in north India. The leaves of cilantro contain antioxidants and vitamins which help in the improvement of human health. Also its seeds are used in culinary purposes as it has a warm flavor and used in different spice powders.

Culinary Uses:

Culinary UseDescription
GarnishFresh leaves are added in small pieces in dals and curries
SeasoningAdds a fresh, citrusy flavor to dishes such as salsas, guacamole, and marinades.
SaladsMixed in green salads, mainly in raw cabbage
SaucesUsed in sauces like chimichurri and pesto for a burst of herbal brightness.

Nutritional Benefits:

Cilantro, a herb used worldwide, is full of good things for your health. As it contains important vitamins and antioxidants that promote immunity in the body. Important minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron are in cilantro too, which are good for your heart, bones, and blood. Cilantro also has antioxidants and essential oils that might fight germs and help detoxify your body. With extra fiber and chlorophyll, cilantro not only makes food taste better but also gives you a mix of different nutrients.

NutrientNutritional Importance of Microgreen Cilantro
Vitamins1. Rich in Vitamin A, important for vision, immune function, and skin health.
2. Contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that supports immune function.
3. Good source of vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and bone health.
MineralsContains essential minerals like potassium, manganese, and iron.
Chlorophy llContains chlorophyll, which may have detoxifying and antioxidant properties.
Dietary FiberProvides dietary fiber, which supports digestive health.
Essential OilsContains essential oils with potential antimicrobial properties.

How to Approach for Microgreen Cilantro:

Plan your commercial microgreen cultivation space carefully, considering factors like lighting, temperature, and ventilation. Opt for indoor spaces with controlled environments for year-round production. Acquire high-quality cilantro seeds suitable for microgreen cultivation, ensuring they are untreated and safe for consumption. Sow cilantro seeds densely for even coverage, employing a watering system such as drip irrigation to ensure consistent moisture distribution. Maintain controlled temperatures, grow lights providing sufficient illumination, adjusting the duration based on the growth stage. Manage humidity to prevent mold, maintain proper ventilation, and monitor the growth regularly, adjusting conditions as needed. Harvest microgreens when they reach 1 to 3 inches, using sanitized tools, and package them appropriately for storage.

Steps in Growing microgreen cilantro:

To grow cilantro microgreens, gather cilantro seeds, soil, trays, and water. Fill a tray with soil, spread cilantro seeds evenly, and press them gently. Cover the tray with a clear lid or plastic wrap, and put it in a warm, dark spot for 2-3 days until you see sprouts. Then, move the tray to a place with indirect sunlight or under lights, giving them 12-16 hours of light daily while spraying water for humidity. Harvest the microgreens after 10-14 days when the first leaves fully develop, using scissors or a knife. Wash them under cool water, dry gently, and store in the fridge.


Before you start growing cilantro microgreens, make sure you have the essentials ready. You’ll need cilantro seeds, a growing medium (either soil or a soilless mix), a tray or container, and water. These basic requirements set the foundation for a successful microgreen cultivation process. With these in place, you can proceed to fill the tray with the chosen growing medium, sow the cilantro seeds, and begin the journey of nurturing vibrant and flavorful cilantro microgreens.

Important Varieties and their Characteristics:

VarietyCharacteristicsCommon Traits
Slow-Bolting (Leisure)Slow-bolting; extended harvest period; traditional cilantro flavorVigorous growth
SantoVigorous growth; continuous supply; traditional cilantro flavorWidely grown
Delfino (Cilantro Fernleaf)Feathery, finely-cut leaves; unique appearance; strong cilantro flavorOrnamental value
JantarResistance to bolting; thrives in warmer temperatures; flavorful green leavesWell-suited for warmer climates
CalypsoAromatic leaves; robust cilantro taste; popular for culinary and ornamental useStrong cilantro aroma
Long StandingLong-lasting fresh leaves; continuous harvestReliable for sustained harvesting
CruiserCompact variety; suitable for containers; flavorful leaves for culinary useIdeal for small-space gardening

Seed Sowing:

When it comes to sowing cilantro seeds for microgreen cultivation, start by filling a tray with your chosen growing medium, whether it’s soil or a soilless mix. Ensure an even distribution by sprinkling cilantro seeds across the surface of the medium. Gently press the seeds into the growing medium, providing optimal contact for germination.


For germination, cover the tray with a clear lid or plastic wrap. Put it in a warm, dark spot. After 2-3 days, check for the first signs of sprouts. This simple process promotes seeds to start growing into cilantro microgreens.

germination of microgreen cilantro seeds
Germination of cilantro seedlings
Image Source: epicgardening


Once your cilantro microgreens start sprouting, shift the tray to a spot with indirect sunlight or place it under lights. Make sure they get 12-16 hours of light every day. Keep misting them to maintain the right humidity levels. This step is very important in reference to good growth of greens.

Watering and Care:

To care for your cilantro microgreens, water them regularly to keep the soil damp. Ensure good airflow to prevent mold, and be cautious not to overwater. Keep an eye on humidity levels in the growing environment. By checking all these things the good development of cilantro is ensured.

watering and care of microgreen cilantro
Right way of watering in greens
Image Source: wikiHow


The harvesting phase for cilantro microgreens typically takes about 10 to 14 days. When the cotyledon leaves have fully developed, it is time for harvest. Utilize either scissors or a knife to carefully cut the microgreens slightly above the soil line. By ensuring proper time for harvesting and harvesting without damage and bruising one can get the greens with full texture and flavor.

harvesting of cilantro
Image Source: wikiHow

Summary of Steps Involved in growing microgreen cilantro:

Pre-requirementsCilantro seeds-  Growing medium (soil or soilless mix)-  Tray or container-  Water
Seed SowingFill tray with growing medium-  Sprinkle cilantro seeds evenly-  Press seeds lightly
GerminationCover tray with transparent lid or plastic wrap-  Place in a warm, dark location-  Check for sprouts after 2-3 days
Light ExposureMove tray to indirect sunlight or under lights-  Provide 12-16 hours of light daily-  Continue misting for humidity
Watering and CareWater regularly to keep soil moist-  Ensure proper ventilation to prevent mold-  Avoid overwatering-  Monitor humidity levels
HarvestingReady in 10-14 days-  Harvest when cotyledon leaves fully develop-  Use scissors or knife to cut above soil line
Rinse and StoreRinse harvested microgreens under cool water-  Pat dry with paper towel-  Store in a container in the refrigerator

Optimum Growing Conditions for microgreen cilantro:

Optimum conditions mean having just the right environment or factors for something to grow or work its best. It’s like finding the perfect balance of things like temperature, light, humidity, and nutrients that helps living things, systems, or processes be as healthy and productive as possible. Whether you’re growing plants, doing biological activities, or running industries, making sure you meet or keep these ideal conditions is really important for getting the best results.

ConditionOptimum Range
Temperature60-75°F (15-24°C)
Lighting12-16 hours of light daily
SoilSoilless growing medium like coconut coir
HumidityManage humidity to prevent mold
HarvestingHarvest when microgreens reach 1 to 3 inches using sanitized tools

Some of the Important Cultural Practices Necessary in Cilantro:

These cultural practices, involving careful seed selection, pre-soaking, and appropriate sowing density, contribute to the overall success of growing microgreen cilantro.

Selection of Seeds:

Selecting the right cilantro seeds is crucial for successful microgreen cultivation. Opt for high-quality seeds that are suitable for microgreen production and ensure they are untreated and from a reliable variety.

Pre-soaking of Cilantro Seeds:

 Consider pre-soaking the cilantro seeds for a few hours before planting, a practice that can enhance germination, particularly for seeds with hard outer coatings.

Sowing Density:

When sowing, aim for a dense yet even distribution of seeds on the chosen growing medium. Press the seeds gently into the medium after sowing to establish good seed-to-soil contact, promoting successful germination. 


We see that growing microgreen cilantro is a very easy and affordable venture. In a short term one can get the produce. Just follow the important steps like choosing good seeds, giving the plants the right conditions, and following a clear plan from planting to harvesting. Doing this lets you have a constant supply of tasty microgreen cilantro. These give fresh leaves within 10 to 15 days and due to indoor facilities its year round production is possible without the interference of any climate. Whether you’re doing it for yourself or for business, growing cilantro microgreens shows how nature can be simple and satisfying when you grow your own greens.

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